Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Adopted Soldier box

I wanted to post a picture of some of the items that I sent to Linda my adopted soldier stationed in Kuwait. My kids also drew pictures to put in the box.  My daughter was so amazed that a "girl" could be in the Army. I told her that she could do what she wanted to do as long as she worked hard. She thinks it is so awesome and said that she is happy to be sending stuff to her. My daughter is 6. My son is 2 and he wanted to draw a picture of a tractor for the "Army girl". I am so proud that my kids are honored to be involved. I think it is important to teach kids to respect and honor those that serve our country. I hope Linda feels the love and appreciate, well as much as she could from a box of stuff.
  Thank you to Save and Share with Coupons & Hobbies with Heart for donating items!

If you would like to donate to my soldier or adopt your own soldier check out the Adopt a Soldier page for more information.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Thanks to the wonderful volunteers at the West Hills Food Pantry I was able to obtain this candy for .25 a piece. The volunteers donated coupons for me to be able to do that. This candy will be used to make Easter baskets for the children that their families come to the food pantry. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gift Card Giveaway

How much time do you spend on Amazon perusing the random sales and items?
Well I have partnered with Deal Searching Mama and fellow bloggers to offer you a chance at a $50
Amazon Gift Card! Save and Share With Coupons, PA Coupon Family,
Carra Cares with Coupons and Couponlicious are awesome for participating in this

Get a jump on some holiday shopping, buy birthday gifts, heck buy yourself
something for all that work you've been doing!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Adopted soldier

After being sick for the last few weeks I am excited to finally send out a care package for the soldier I adopted in Kuwait. I will be posting items that you can contribute, if you are local. I send out a care package once a month. I will also post the link to the website where you can adopt a soldier of your own. I hope to adopt more soldiers in the next few weeks. 
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